A welcoming


For photography enthusiasts

Our community

Would you like to meet fellow photography enthusiasts, join free photowalks and make new friends? Join our community today!

Some things about us

Photography enthusiasts

The Hague photowalks is a community for all photography enthusiasts, regardless of experience, skill level or gear.


The Hague is an international city and this certainly goes for our community. This is why we mostly communicate in English.

Local focus

Our focus is local because we aim to connect people in the physical world and form an actual community.


We’re an inclusive community and welcome everyone. We aim to provide a safe and friendly environment for all and expect our members to actively support this.

Whatsapp community

Planning for walks, events and other communciations take place through our Whatsapp community.


Most of our activities are initiated and organised voluntarily by our members. We invite and applaud everyone to initiate activities & events.

Join us

Want to join our (free) community? Please fill out the form below and you’ll receive an automatic invite to our Whatsapp community.